Arduino Uno Board

Arduino UNO is a board fitted with a microcontroller which can be used to make various types of projects that require somewhat advanced automation. It is used to command objects like motor, sensors, etc. to work as they are required to.

Well precisely," Arduino UNO is an open-source microcontroller board based on the Microchip ATmega328P microcontroller and developed by" says Wikipedia.

It is one of the many boards provided by Arduino company. It is one of the easiest of all boards and every begginer starts with this board. Its also suitable for students. That's why many schools have introduced Arduino to their courses.

Specifications of the Arduino UNO board:

Well, the precise specifications of the Arduino Uno are here:
  1. Microcontroller: ATmega328P
  2. Operating Voltage: 5V
  3. Input Voltage (recommended): 7-12V
  4. Inout Voltage (limit): 6-20V
  5. Digital I/O Pins: 14 (of which 6 provide PWM output)
  6. PWM Digital I/O Pins: 6
  7. Analog Input Pins: 6
  8. DC Current per I/O Pin: 20 mA
  9. DC current for 3.3V Pin: 50 mA
  10. Flash Memory: 32 KB (ATmega328P) of which 0.5 KB used by bootloader
  11. SRAM: 2 KB (ATmega328P)
  12. EEPROM: 1 KB (ATmega328P)
  13. Clock Speed: 16 MHz
  14. LED_BUILTIN: 13
  15. Length: 68.6 mm
  16. Width: 58.4 mm
  17. Weight: 25 g

What is required to use Arduino UNO?

Arduino IDE

All things required for using Arduino Uno are:

  1. A computer
  2. Arduino IDE
  3. Arduino UNO Board
  4. A little knowledge on C or C++
  5. A kit in which all other stuffs are present. (Link to buy it would be given at the end of the post)
  6. And, the most important thing: Your wit!!!

What if one doesn't have a computer?

Well, no problem. There are many apps available on the Play Store which can help you write sketches for your Arduino, but to upload the program or to make it run on your Arduino, you need to have a computer. The apps and other services just provide a way to write the programs but to upload it you need a computer. But the best part of these apps is that you can write a program anywhere and anytime.

Who can use it and when?

Arduino can be used by anyone who knows Arduino IDE. While, it's mainly developed for begginers who take Mechanical engineering as their profession, but it can also be used by any person because of its good performance and it's interface which can be understood easily.
One can use it when one has to automate something or just when one wants to make one's life easy. This piece of hardware and software when mixed with one's intelligence can deliver outstanding outcomes.

Can a person who is a begginer in C/C++ could use it?

Yes, why not. To write a program in C/C++, one just needs the knowledge of basic of C/C++. As one can learn advanced Arduino programming from free internet cources, one should have the basic knowledge of syntax and all. If you have that knowledge and the courage, then nothing is impossible for you.

Are there any good resources on internet to learn Arduino for free?

Yes, there are many! Here are links for few of them:
  1. The link for the site 'Instructabels'.
  2. The link for the site 'Coursera'.
  3. The official site of Arduino.
  4. Link for the site 'Udemy'.
  5. Link to a good playlist on Arduino on YouTube.
And remember, whatever be the material, paid or free, you have to put in your effort to succeed.

From where I could buy the Arduino kit online?

  1. Link to buy Arduino kit from official Arduino store.
  2. Link to buy Arduino kit from Amazon.

Thanks for reading. If you liked it don't forget to share this knowledge to others. And if you have any query or suggestions, you are welcome to add a comment.